
Would you like to get involved in school life? Read on to find out more about the volunteering opportunities at Sythwood.

You may have noticed that Sythwood is a hub of rich learning and experiences to enrich school life for our children. The exceptional progress the children make and the success they achieve is down to a team of teachers, support staff, parents, carers and of course our valued volunteers. 

We are incredibly grateful to everyone who gives their time to support us, as without you, we wouldn’t have enough adults to practice times tables or listen to children read or enrich school life. However, we would LOVE to do more and for that we need more help.

We warmly welcome any parents/carers/grandparents wishing to help within the school and have a range of opportunities to do so.  Our current volunteers help out in a range of ways, such as:

  • listening to readers
  • testing children on times tables
  • joining school trips
  • supporting at events, including the summer fair, cake sales, discos or second hand uniform sales
  • supporting groups during Forest School sessions

If you would like to dedicate some of your time to becoming one of our valued volunteers please get in touch. We can’t wait to hear from you!

To express your interest, please speak to Miss Rashbrook or email info@sythwood.surrey.sch.uk. 


Volunteer Form

Volunteer Form
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